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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance
Podcasts<br />


Our experts discuss pressing issues and trends faced by the business world

Construction Law Conversations: Changes to the security of payment and adjudication law in Western Australia

In the first of our Construction Law Conversations series, Sean Marriott (Counsel, Clifford Chance, Perth) talks to Spencer Flay (Partner, Clifford Chance, Perth) about the impending changes to the security of payment and adjudication law in Western Australia.

The changes will have significant implications for stakeholders in the delivery of major construction projects, and are intended to significantly rebalance construction project risk in favour of contractors and subcontractors, and on to owners. This is a watershed moment in the contracting environment in Western Australia, and comes in the midst of an unprecedented string of insolvencies in the Australian construction sector, which have been largely driven by severe COVID-driven increases in the costs of materials and labour resulting in major losses on fixed price contracts entered into before the effects of COVID struck.

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The content of this podcast does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Specific legal advice about your specific circumstances should always be sought separately before taking any action.

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